3C Toolbox Pro
3C Toolbox Pro (aka Android Tuner) is the most comprehensive must-have toolbox for Android version 2.3 up-to L, running any ROM or kernel.3C Toolbox Pro combines the features of Battery Monitor Widget, System Tuner, 3C Toggles and more into one easy-to-use giant toolbox to control, monitor and optimize your Android devices.
3C Toolbox Pro combines the features of many top-100 paid apps like Titanium Backup, Greenify, BetterBatteryStats, App2SD, Seeder, ROM Toolbox Pro, SetCPU, System Panel, Root Explorer, Autorun Manager, Terminal Emulator, Script Editor, SD Booster, BuildProp Editor, ATK and many more.3C Toolbox Pro Apk works best on rooted phones, works well on stock phones too.3C Toolbox Pro feature set (some require root access, try free version first)
Pro Features
Hide any tabs or any menu item
Edit all main screen buttons up-to 4×6 grid
Multi/auto-select, sort apps in apps manager
Multi-select in root explorer
Auto backup updated apps
Continuous, interval and duration of recordings and component states
Download notification icon packs directly from the app
Use force-stop in task manager or auto-task-killer
New app installation manage notification
Create multiple schedules, watchers and profiles
Automatic battery markers and manage multiple batteries
Add a notification shortcut to access any features from status notification
Extra widgets: 2×1 text, 2×1-5×2 graphic, 4×1-1×4 toggles and 4×4 summary
No Ads
What’s New?
UI performance improvements with regards to box elevation
Mandatory updates following app suspended/reinstated on Google Play
This app has no ads
How to Install?
Download & Install the Apk from the links given below
Done ! Enjoy :)

Original link - http://onhax.net/3c-toolbox-pro-v1-4-8-cracked-apk-is-here

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