- It's not care to enter this war.
- Just one point - someone who denied the fate summoned to the war.
- It's not just their own trouble. Their world is also included in the same battlefield.
- Winner will get the all of them, and the loser and his world will be the reward for that.
- It is the infinite battlefield for heroes who refused their own fate.
- For each of the reason, start the war that can not know tomorrow!
☻- Ultimate defence & offense war game!
☻- Indie game made by alone - Craport
☻- Make your army with hero, zombie, monster, knight, king, and messenger of God!
☻- Realtime VS multiplay battle with world user!

# No one can be strong or weak forever.
Dominance depend on their property! Let's make the optimal party for the combat type.
# Enemy and ally.
Monsters and spirits who had fought yesterday, make a friend for the future!
# The birth of a new hero through the Fusion!
Depending on the grade of the combined, a new hero comes!
# Real-time VS battle with the whole world!
It's quick and simple! Get the victory with a unique strategy and tactics!

- ||Game: Legend Wars 2 APK ||
- ||Version: 13.3 ||
- ||Android : 4.0 ||
- ||Market: https://play.google.com/.LegendWars2 ||
- ||Internet: Not Required ||
- ||Mod: Gold + Gems ||
Original link - http://www.apklover.net/2015/10/legend-wars-2-apk-mod-unlimited-money.html

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- ႐ႊင္လန္းခ်မ္းေျမ့ၾကပါေစ...။
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